Tips to Planning a Stress-Free Vacation
Traveling stress-free sounds like an oxymoron, but there are several things you can do to reduce your stress before you ever set foot outside your door. If the very idea of planning a vacation makes you feel like you need a vacation, follow these tips to help you ease on down the road.
Consider Climate When Packing
One of the most difficult parts of a trip is deciding what and how much to take. Simplify this process by choosing a location that sticks to very fairly small temperature fluctuations. You can greatly ease the packing burden if you go someplace temperate like Key West or San Diego. A light jacket over what you wear during the day will get you through almost any evening cool down. Similarly, going to a place where you can always dress casually will cut down on the types of clothes you need to bring, making packing simpler.
Plan in Advance
Last minute travel may be great for some, but for many people who have to take into account school schedules and animal boarding Jacksonville FL, for example, it’s best to get your travel days locked down early. That way you can arrange to have your pets taken care of, your medication refilled and your mail collected without an element of panic.
Make a Detailed Itinerary
Even in a technology-focused world, it’s helpful to create a document listing all the necessary information about your trip. Keeping flight times, car rental confirmation numbers, hotel addresses, show ticket times, etc. all in one document (as opposed to on six different apps on your phone) is not only a great back-up in case you can’t get a signal when you most need it, but it also helps you visualize everything that you’re doing. With one look, you can determine if there is anything you might have forgotten.
The best way to keep calm during travel is to leave plenty of time to get anywhere. A traffic jam or a missed exit will barely register on a well-planned itinerary.