Animal Hoarding News & Info
This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme alternatives, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Carole Baskin now states that her ultimate goal is to close down her rescue and totally phase out huge cats (and most probably other exotics that will be up to her determination) in captivity since these animals cannot live a respectful existence in such a setting… and then Large Cat Rescue’s videos pan to their collection of animals…living a respectful existence in captivity.
Not only did Baskin gather and broker huge cats, and not only did she seek to 1 day have the largest private collection of exotic cats in the world” as 1 former acquaintance of hers puts it, she published articles in exotic animal news letters guiding and informing prospective owners of big cat care.
They insisted I meet them in a store parking lot, claiming the lactating dog was becoming fostered in a private home and we could not intrude, but promised to send photographs and videos of the puppies with the mother dog in this home atmosphere.
Most of us who are humane activists, and who flag the animal sellers who audaciously use Craiglist to sell baby animals ( especially Yorkies, Maltese, Bulldogs, Siberian Husky pups, and lately , Bengal Kittens), and claim they are missionaries or Peace Corps Volunteers,and the climate is not great, and all they want is the shipping, yadda yadda….are familiar with the scam.
Joanne Grossman said she reported Pet Rescue to authorities about 15 years ago because of the deplorable situations she saw while operating there, such as animals surrounded in filth and being kept in the attic in the summer time regardless of temperatures above 90.