3 Common Horse Illnesses
Horses are strong, powerful, magnificent animals. Nevertheless, they are susceptible to a wide range of injuries and illnesses. Like other domestic animals, horses depend on human beings for their care. If you believe that your horse may be sick or hurt, it is your responsibility to see that the animal is evaluated by a veterinarian.
There are certain illnesses that horses may develop more than others. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of these common conditions so that you can arrange equine medical evaluations Montgomery TX as soon as possible.

1. Laminitis
Laminitis is a condition that affects the internal layers of the hoof, causing inflammation. It can result from infection, overeating, or injury due to walking on a hard surface for long periods of time. A horse with laminitis may lean back on its hind feet or rock back onto its heels. It may be unable or reluctant to walk at all. Laminitis is a veterinary emergency that requires immediate attention.
2. Colic
Colic is a collective term for abdominal pain. A horse with colic may attempt to kick its own stomach or be unusually irritable. It may attempt to roll or keep pawing restlessly at the ground. Its breathing may become labored or rapid, and it may sweat for no apparent reason. Causes of colic can range in severity, and a veterinarian should determine the appropriate treatment.
3. Rainscald
Rainscald is a skin condition that occurs due to saturation of the skin. It may occur due to a turnout rug made of a non-breathable material that traps moisture underneath it. Horses that lack natural protective grease in their coat due to an immune condition are also susceptible. Symptoms of rainscald include weeping lesions and sores, as well as hair loss or matting.
You can prevent rainscald by maintaining turnout rugs and making sure they are appropriate for the conditions. You should also ensure that your horse always has shelter from the field that it can access with no problem.