How to Deal with Common Dog Disobedience Issues
Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for good reason – they offer us companionship, love, and loyalty. But sometimes, dogs can be a little disobedient.
In this article, we will explore some common disobedience issues and how to deal with them. We will also look at the benefits of obedience training for both you and your dog. So whether your dog is refusing to come when called or chewing on inappropriate items, we have the solution for you!

Understanding disobedience
Before we can tackle disobedience, it’s important to understand what it is and why it happens. Disobedience is simply when your dog does not do what you ask them to do. This can be frustrating for owners, but it’s important to remember that dogs are not trying to be disobedient – they just don’t always understand what we want them to do.
There are many reasons why dogs might not obey, including:
- Lack of training– If your dog has never been taught how to do something, they are unlikely to know how to do it. For example, if you’ve never taught your dog to sit, they won’t know how to do it when you ask them to.
- Confusion– Dogs can get confused if we give them too many commands at once, or if the command is not clear. For example, if you say “sit” while also gesturing for your dog to lie down, they may get confused and not know what to do.
- Fear or anxiety– Dogs may disobey if they are afraid or anxious. For example, a dog who is afraid of loud noises may not come when called if there is a loud noise in the background.
- Lack of motivation– Dogs may also disobey if they do not see the point in doing what you’re asking. For example, a dog who is not food-motivated is unlikely to respond to commands if they know there is no food involved.
Obedience training
One of the best ways to deal with disobedience is to train your dog to obey commands. This may seem like a lot of work, but it’s quite simple – and it has many benefits for both you and your dog. Obedience training teaches your dog what you expect from them, and it also helps to build a bond between you and your dog. It’s important to start training early, as puppies are much easier to train than adult dogs. However, it’s never too late to start – even older dogs can learn new tricks!
Once you understand disobedience and have started obedience training with your dog, you may still find that they disobey from time to time. This is normal – even the best-trained dogs will occasionally disobey their owners. There are several common reasons why this happens, including:
- Lack of attention– Dogs are easily distracted, so it’s not surprising that they sometimes disobey when they are not paying attention to their owners. This is often the case with puppies, who are still learning to focus on their owners.
- Excitement– Dogs may also disobey if they are feeling excited or stressed. For example, a dog who is excited about going for a walk may pull on their leash and refuse to come when called.
- Boredom– Dogs can get bored just like humans, and this can lead to disobedience. A bored dog may start chewing on furniture or digging holes in the yard – both of which are disobedient behaviors.
- Fear or anxiety– As we mentioned before, dogs may disobey if they are afraid or anxious. For example, a dog who is afraid of loud noises may not come when called if there is a loud noise in the background.
- Illness or injury– Sometimes, disobedience can be a sign of an underlying medical problem. For example, a dog who suddenly stops coming when called may be experiencing pain from an injury. If you think your dog’s disobedience might be due to an illness or injury, it’s important to see a veterinarian.
Positive reinforcement
One of the most effective ways to deal with disobedience is to use positive reinforcement. This is a type of training that rewards desired behaviors – such as obedience – and ignores or punishes undesired behaviors. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool that can be used to train dogs of all ages, and it’s often more effective than punishment.
There are many different ways to use positive reinforcement, but one of the most common is to give your dog treats when they obey a command. This helps them to understand that they are being rewarded for their good behavior. It’s important to use small, frequent rewards at first – such as a treat after every successful command – and then gradually decrease the frequency of rewards as your dog becomes more obedient.
Punishment is another way to deal with disobedience, but it’s important to use it carefully. Punishment is any action that makes a dog less likely to repeat a behavior – such as scolding or hitting them. While punishment can be effective in some cases, it’s often more harmful than helpful. This is because punishment can cause fear and anxiety in dogs, which can lead to further disobedience.